Exhibition: Achterhoek in 3D!
Almost a year ago, an enthusiastic group of volunteers started an ambitious project: printing the Achterhoek in 3D. After a public voting phase, nine landmarks were chosen for production. The 3D print group used SOLIDWORKS to draw the buildings, after which they were printed with a dddrop 3D printer. Meanwhile, the project is finished and the prints of the buildings are shown in the Stadsmuseum in Doetinchem.
The process
“We underestimated the drawing work” project employee Eefje Ernst says. “It was quite a lot of work, because the drawings need to be solid to print them properly. Because of this, the work got a bit delayed.” Luckily, the printing went successfully: “the process went through different phases. For example with the stone quarry of Winterswijk, we had difficulty creating real depth. We experimented until we had a beautiful stone quarry. About which print is Eefje the most satisfied? “I think about Ruimzicht, but that is purely because it contains a second layer. The balcony of Ruimzicht is placed separately, which creates more depth,” she says. It is great that you can print separate parts and later secure them on to each other. That makes it even more realistic.
The exhibition
In the meantime, the buildings are finished and shown in the Stadsmuseum. The prints are placed on a big map of the region and photos of the original building are displayed. Besides that, a dddrop 3D printer is printing miniatures on site. There are also videos to be seen that explain the process. This makes the exhibition fun for everyone, young and old. Eefje: “The feedback is very positive. Visitors are enthusiastic about the set-up which gives the exposition
a body. The funny thing is that people picked up the buildings during the opening. I found that fascinating, because it is a museum after all. People just like to feel the buildings and see them from up close.
What’s next?
The exhibition is the last phase of the project: exhibiting the prints. Later on, the prints will be shown in the city centre, so that everyone can see them in a low threshold manner. “It is not clear how we will set this up yet,” Eefje explains. “But this is not the end of the project, the buildings will be shown outside.” Further on, the 3D print group will remain active. Every Tuesday evening, this group comes together and everyone is welcome to join. Eefje: “There is a possibility that other prints will be made for this project. Besides that, there is now time to print and experiment with other things again. Which the members of the group are very excited about!”