Te Kulve makes beautiful bronzes by use of the dddrop 3D printer!
The craft of bronze casting is more than a thousand years old. Over the years, new techniques have been developed that make the work much easier. But how can you as an artist use modern techniques without losing the authentic craft? Artist Jan te Kulve has an answer to this. Te Kulve makes bronze sculptures and masters the old craftsmanship to perfection. Yet, since a year Te Kulve makes use of the modern 3D printing technology to make his work more efficient.
“Thanks to the dddrop 3D printer, I can deliver truly customized work and meet the demands of the market much better”.
In the decision process of buying a 3D printer, Te Kulve took the circumstances of his studio into account. He has to deal with a dusty and often a cold environment. That’s why he found it important to buy a 3D printer with a closed casing, so the dust stays outside and the heat remains inside. He made a deliberate choice for the dddrop 3D printer: “The closed casing and the large building volume were important factors, but I mainly oriented myself in the field. I have seen many different 3D printers at work. Quite a lot of printers didn’t meet my expectations and the dddrop did, so that’s why I bought the dddrop,” Te Kulve says.